Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked question about solar pv in Seychelles
Below Energy Solutions Seychelles has answered frequently asked question about solar pv in Seychelles.
For more information on our ESS products please see the relevent pages.
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How does PV work in the Seychelles?
To install PV panels on you home or business, firstly you will need to apply for a grid connect solar PV system to Seychelles Energy Commission. We at ESS can help you with the process by analyzing your energy consumption and recommend a system sizing to match your needs and budget. We can do all the application process on your behalf, for FREE.

What is Net Metering?
To benefit from a grid-connect PV system, Seychelles Energy Commission has implemented at net metering system. A secondary meter is installed to measure the amount of electricity produced by your PV which is recorded on your Production meter. This is then offset against your Consumption meter.

What system size do I need?
Currently in the Seychelles domestic solar PV users can offset 100% of thier electricity bill and commercial clients can offset 50% of their bill. We at ESS can analyse your electricity bill and recommend the best energy saving solution.
ESS can assist with the PV Application to Seychelles Energy Commission who will liaise with PUC to determine PV system size depending on the local grid infrastructure.
– Small house 1-5kW single phase system
– Medium house or commercial 5-10kW 3 phase system
– Large commercial or hotel 10-100kW
– Solar farm or Independent Power Producer 100kW

Will my system during cloudy days?
Photovoltaic panels use sunlight to produce electricity. Even on cloudy days an abundance of light reaches the earths surface. Therefore, your PV system will still work, however less efficiently. At ESS we use yearly averages for our calculations and we are lucky Seychelles is sunny throughout the year!

Will my system work during a power cut?
Grid-connect systems will not work at night or during a power cut. These types of system need to shut down due to safe reasons. However, as the national electrical network has improved significantly, and power cuts are less often then grid-connect PV systems are the most economical options available. Battery back-up PV systems are PV systems that integrate energy storage to allow the user to use energy without a grid-network. Call us at ESS to recommend a PV system that best suits your needs.